WVCSB Peru Mission Project, Summer 2024

July 17
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WVCSB Peru Mission Project, Summer 2024

July 17 - July 25

Join the WVCSB Peru Mission Project from July 17-25, 2024 as we serve in Trujillo through training church workers, personal evangelism, preaching, and sharing testimonies—open to a diverse team of 10 to 15 men and women with a heart for ministry, application deadline March 15, 2024.


Dates: July 17-25, 2024

Location: Trujillo, Peru (population: 1,148,668)

Cost: The final cost, to be determined by February 1 but expected to be around $2,800 per person, covers airfare, ground transportation, meals (excluding airport and one “tourist day” meal), translators, drivers, hotel, and traveler’s medical insurance.

Assignment: Train church children’s workers, youth workers, and adult Bible study leaders in teaching methods. Engage in personal evangelism in homes, preach in churches, and share testimonies.

Team: The team will consist of WVCSB church members who are public educators, education students, teachers, pastors, youth and children’s ministry workers, early childhood development educators, and other church volunteers. Young men and women, aged 15 or older, considering a call to ministry are encouraged to join. The team will be composed of 10 to 15 men and women.

Application Process: Complete and submit the WVCSB Mission Team Application form by March 15, 2024, along with a pastoral recommendation. The final team will be selected by April 1, 2024. Ensure you have a current passport (expiration date exceeding six months from the time of travel). Please note that the US Passport application process currently takes up to 14 weeks.

Team Orientation: Once the team is finalized, a series of orientation and planning meetings will be held via Zoom, covering culture, traditions, basic language, food, etiquette, schedule details, and assignment specifics. In addition, the team will spend time in prayer and getting to know each other.

Questions: Direct any questions to Eric W. Ramsey at eric@wvcsb.org or 304.759.8124.


Peru Mission Trip Application

Peru Summer 2024 Information

WVCSB Peru Partnership Information



Trujillo, Peru
Trujillo, Peru