WVCSB College + Seminary Opportunities
Due by June 1 every year, this scholarship seeks to grant funds (currently $400) to students who are preparing for full time Christian service at a Baptist college or seminary, and who are currently members of a church cooperating with the West Virginia Convention of Southern Baptists.
The Scholarship is named to honor John Snedden and Ray Slaughter. Snedden was an early pioneer in West Virginia Southern Baptist work who served tirelessly helping start new churches, organizing associations, and leading as the first Executive Director of the state convention. Ray Slaughter invested countless hours into strengthening the churches and to help organize the convention.

SEBTS offers several West Virginia state and regional specific scholarships including The Charles B. Keesee Educational Fund, Appalachian Ministries Educational Research Center, Dr. William C. Taylor Cancelable Loan, and West Virginia Education Society.

Pastors or youth pastors in a WVCSB church with church membership established before Jan. 2010 may be eligible to study for his bachelor’s or master’s degree tuition free in Liberty’s external degree program. Books and other materials will need to be purchased, but tuition is covered.
Liberty scholarships page (click WVCSB)

Clear Creek Baptist College has a church plant initiative partnership with WVCSB. Their 3+1 Church Plant Initiative is designed specifically for those called to be a church planter: 90 hours of classes + 30 hours of field training = 4 year bachelor’s degree.